Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mew O2 ABC Glasgow - 5/11/09

Mew deliver a strong performance for their Glasgow fans.

On a typically cold Scottish night, my brother and I set out for the ABC on Sauchiehall Street to attend the Mew Concert.

We missed the support act and arrived just prior to Mew taking the stage. I have seen the venue much busier, but those who were in attendance showed their appreciation, for an on song performance, throughout the gig.

There was a good mixture of older and newer songs - something that brought about some disagreement between my brother and I. He prefers the more complicated and innovative newer songs, a style that could be described as 'Space Rock', where as I like the rawer riffs from the first album. Perhaps this is because, at times, some of these riffs remind me of the gone but not forgotten Afghan Whigs.

Anyway, it is a mute point as all the songs were performed with precision and plenty of noise throughout. The band have a tight sound that holds the attention and left this concert-goer satisfied that the ticket was money well spent.

Also worth mentioning were the visual elements to the show. Although the frequent strobe lighting was at times uncomfortable, the animation scenes projected onto large screens definitely enhanced the spectacle - in particular the creepy old lady (who reminded me of a distorted Helen Mirren), and the lamenting Teddy Bear (who sounded gruffer than Barry White).

Overall, the concert exceeded my expectations and I would encouraged Mew fans who have yet to see them live to do so next time they play. I know I will be there.

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