Friday, June 25, 2010

Concerning the Future Career of a Mr Gordon Brown, Former Prime Minister

I sent the following thoughts to a couple of newspapers a few weeks ago but, needless to say, neither of them chose to print it.  The beauty of blogging is you have the power to print whatever you like (within the bounds of good taste, of course).  The only drawback, when oppossed to having your thoughts featured in the paper, is that hardly anyone reads them (well, at least mine anyway).  But I guess that depends on your ego - for many expressing yourself, getting something off your mind is enough.  The enjoyment of self-expression outweighs the need to have your work read.

So, with that in mind, here are some thoughts on Gordon Brown's future...

There has been much speculation about the future of Gordon Brown since his resignation earlier this week as both Prime Minister and leader of the Labour Party. 

Instead of taking the usual route towards guest lectures and memoir writing, might I suggest that Mr Brown considers taking over as leader of the Scottish Labour Party and putting himself in the running to become the next First Minister?

A supporter of devolution before it became a reality, Brown would be a firm favourite to defeat Alex Salmond, as he remains a popular figure in Scotland – something he struggled to achieve throughout the rest of the UK.

With his unparalleled experience in British politics he would not only enhance Scotland’s reputation globally but would also ensure a stronger relationship between Westminster and Holyrood during the expected and prolonged period of financial difficulties facing Britain – a partnership Alex Salmond appears to be uninterested in maintaining.

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