Friday, June 26, 2009

Is it time for a BBC Sports Channel?

This post is on a general sport-related theme but is also relevant to the BBC as a whole.

In recent years, the quality and variety of the BBC's sports coverage has decreased significantly as it struggles to compete with the huge buying power of SKY. With the exception of a few trophies, the cabinet is looking somewhat bare.

A solution for this could be found through the creation of a dedicated BBC sports channel. This channel would allow the BBC to keep all its sports coverage in the one place, pleasing sports and non-sports fans alike, as the main BBC channels would not be clogged with sports coverage.

The BBC already gains its revenue for broadcasting through the license fee. What I propose is a 'supplementary fee' for those wanting to watch live sports on the BBC. This extra subscription fee would allow the BBC to compete again for some of the big sporting events: the ashes, EPL, SPL, international football, tennis and golf majors, the list goes on.

In the wake of the Setanta meltdown, what better time could there be for the BBC to make its move and provide a great product at a decent price for the financially-stretched customer?

For example, the BBC sports channel could work on a pay-per-view system and coincide its launch with a bid for live coverage of Scottish Premier League football. This could be gained at a good price (a lot less than the ridiculous figure Setanta offered) and there is a reasonably large market of subscribers willing to pay for this product. Why should British subscribers line the pocket of multi-national media corporations, like SKY or ESPN, when we have a great platform in our own country? Further, the BBC could move Formula One to this channel and recoup some of the money spent to gain the rights to broadcast this premium sport.

The BBC is an attractive proposition to a possible subscriber. There are many people out there who do not want to subscribe to SKY due to its affiliation with Rupert Murdoch and his News Corporation. The BBC does not have this problem.

Many people will argue that the license fee is already high enough, but they must be realistic: if you want to see the very best sport then you have to be willing to pay for it. I think that the BBC could provide this service and at a reasonable price. The BBC is unique in the world of broadcasting but it must evolve with the time to provide the licence fee payer with the programming they want. This sports channel could herald a new chapter in the corporations history, and a refreshing one at that.

I'm interested to hear what others think...

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